FAQ & Shipping

FAQ & Shipping

  1. Do you ship internationally?

    • Yes, we ship worldwide.
  2. What is the refund policy?

    • You can refund the product within 30 days of receiving.
  3. How much is shipping?

    • Standard International Shipping: 4-15 business days
    • All orders dispatched within 1 business day (up to 3 days in peak periods)
    • Free shipping; option to upgrade for insurance.
  4. Is your website secure with my personal information?

    • Yes, we use SSL security to encrypt all your personal information.
  5. What are the available payment methods?

    • Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, Amazon, Apple Pay, Google Pay.
  6. I have more questions!

    • Contact us through the contact page, and we'd love to help you!
  7. Q: Can I return the item if it doesn't work for me?

    • A: Yes. If your product is damaged or doesn’t work as described, reach out within 30 days for a 100% Money back.
  8. Q: How do I check the status of my order?

    • A: You will be emailed your receipt immediately after placing your order. Once shipped, you will receive your tracking number. 
  9. Q: Do you provide a quality guarantee for all the products being sold?

    • A: Absolutely! Contact us if you don't like the product or find damages, and we'll address it.
  10. Q: How can I get in contact with you?

    • A: We handle customer service through email. Email us at sales@marellaa.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
  11. Q: Do you offer a refund if I don't like the product?

    • A: Absolutely! We offer a full refund on your order if you don't like the product or it doesn't suit your lifestyle. Contact us, and we will get things fixed for you.